BS PD CEN/TS 17725:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of the quantity (indicated by mass or volume) standard by BSI Group, 06/24/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17723:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of chloride standard by BSI Group, 06/24/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17779:2022 Organo-mineral fertilizers - Extraction of phosphorus, which is soluble in neutral ammonium citrate standard by BSI Group, 06/22/2022
BS BSI Flex 390 v1.0:2022-06 Built environment. Value-based decision making. Specification standard by BSI Group, 06/20/2022
BS PD ISO/TS 9241-430:2021 [ Withdrawn ] Ergonomics of human-system interaction-Recommendations for the design of non-touch gestural input for the reduction of biomechanical stress standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS PD ISO/TR 23016-3:2021 Fine bubble technology. Agricultural applications-Guidelines for the minimum viable number concentration of ultrafine bubbles for promoting the germination of barley seeds standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS PD ISO/TR 18228-9:2022 Design using geosynthetics-Barriers standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS 22/30371763DC BS ISO 8784-2. Pulp, paper and board. Microbiological examination-Part 2. Enumeration of bacteria, yeast and mould on surface standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS PD CEN/TR 17603-32-06:2022 Space engineering. Structural materials handbook-Fracture and material modelling, case studies and design and integrity control and inspection standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS 22/30373478DC BS EN ISO 13997. Protective clothing. Mechanical properties. Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects standard by BSI Group, 06/17/2022
BS PD CEN ISO/TS 20048-1:2022 Solid biofuels. Determination of off-gassing and oxygen depletion characteristics-Laboratory method for the determination of off-gassing and oxygen depletion using closed containers standard by BSI Group, 06/13/2022
BS PD IEC TR 63283-1:2022 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation. Smart manufacturing-Terms and definitions standard by BSI Group, 06/10/2022